Monday, May 21, 2012

Burning Sensation

In my knee. In my calves. Pretty much a mess right now and starting to feel like I'm never going to be a runner. I've been really slacking on my running lately because my left knee is still bothering me. I'll take a few days off, take another stab at it, get sore again, take a few more days off, and so forth. Yesterday I decided it had been long enough (like a week at least) and I had two dogs that were in desperate need of exercise so I ventured down to the Back Cove path, through Payson, and up and down Ocean Ave with them. My knee started acting up after probably about only a 1/2 mile. I should have stopped right there but instead I kept alternating walking with running thinking I could just work through it. By the time I was done I was battling shin splints in both legs and a knee that felt like a weedwacker was going off inside it. I just don't know what to do. New sneakers? Ice? X-ray? Someone suggested today that I try those toe-shoe things that are essentially like running barefoot but no way in hell am I going to be seen in those fugly things! Maybe I'm just being a baby (which I may or may not have a tendency to do) but it really hurts! Taking the rest of this week off for sure :(

On a happy running note though, a friend of mine told me about this website called I only checked it out briefly yesterday but I was able to place markers at all of the turns on my usual running trek (you input the starting address and a map appears for you to work with) and it calculated the mileage for me. Pretty cool if you ask me and pretty exciting seeing as what I thought wasn't much more than 2 miles is actually 3.25! You can set the elevation, input rest stops, and all kinds of things but I haven't gotten that far into it yet. Highly recommend checking it out though. No more need for a pedometer!

Although my posts have been seriously lacking lately, my workouts haven't been that bad. Today was a bi's and tri's day. Here's the quick run-down of my routine (nothing out of the ordinary here):
1. Regular bicep curls, 3 sets of 8 with 15 lb. dumbells. I didn't use the bosu ball for added core work today because I figure the added stress on my knee wouldn't be a good idea.
2. Tricep cable pull-downs, 3 sets with 30 lb. resistance (12-10-8 rep sets).
3. Hammer curls, 1 sets of 8 with 15 lb. dumbells and 2 sets of 8 with 12.5 lb. dumbells.
4. Tricep bench dips with my feet on a stability ball and a 25 lb. plate on my quads.
5. 4 sets of 30 stability ball crunches (2 sets forward and 2 sets side-to-side)
6. Side and front planks (30 secs each side) followed by a vinyasa flow (low plank to upward dog and then downward dog) and a bunch of leg stretches

Afterward it was a short dog walk around my neighborhood so no one would see my crippled, hobbling ass and that was it for the day. Praying I wake up tomorrow after a good night's sleep with no more knee pain!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Set Fire To The Rain

Excellent legs workout today despite World's being annoyingly ex-central. The pouring rain seemed to bring in all the riff-raff tonight and for the first time since New Year's I actually had to wait for a machine to become available. Is it just me, or does it seem to rain every Tuesday lately?

I started off my workout with a good 15 minute elliptical warm-up where I alternated forward and backward strides.  I didn't get in too many moves today but what I did do was very focused! I started off with a bunch of stretching and balancing work on the bosu ball and then did three sets of weighted one-legged bosu ball dead-lifts. Next, alternating legs and abs, I did three sets of 8 tee-pees, kneeling on the stability ball in between sets. Moving back to legs I grabbed a 30 lb. barbell and did 3 sets of 16 plie squats with the bar sitting on my shoulders/upper back. This time I did them all with lifted heels so I got a really good calf burn while hitting my hams at the same time. Definitely one of my favourite moves...and I remembered to wear long pants today to boot! haha Lastly, I did three sets of hanging straight leg lifts (12-10-8 reps) and finished up with some leg stretching on the mats. Doesn't sound like a very long workout but it took a solid hour and a half to get through it, probably because of the time it takes to get through each single leg dead-lift as well as the waiting for my elliptical. I must say, World's really needs to make a better effort at fixing their "out of order" machines...there were at least 3 open ellipticals that I could have used had they not been broken!

Tomorrow may be a run day if I'm not too crippled. I managed to get in one 5 km run last week without too much leg trouble but I'll admit I did take a walking/water break at the 2 mile mark for a few minutes before finishing it out. Even with the break though I still manged to finish in 32 minutes so at least my pace is improving!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lazy Day Tuesday

A dreary, drizzly day made for a slow-moving and unmotivated workout today. I had originally planned to do a run today but my laziness took over and I instead opted for 15 mins on the elliptical for my cardio warm-up. I did manage to push through a 2 mile run on Sunday though so perhaps tomorrow I will be able to get back into my run routine. Thursday is the early registration for a 5k race in July I had thought I may do. I'm not sure if I want to commit to that quite this early on but we'll see!

I've been feeling like my workouts are so routine lately that I need to start incorporating some new moves before I hit a serious plateau. Thus, I decided to write down the three major workouts displayed in last month's issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers on note cards to take with me to the gym this week. Yesterday I did an upper body workout (back/chest/bis tris/shoulders) which consisted of all moves I would normally do but with reverse grips on every one of them. Unfortunately I'm not really sore today like I thought I would be but at least it was something different! The one I did not enjoy very much was the reverse grip bicep curl (both barbell and preacher). It just felt very awkward and straining but I guess that probably means I should do it more often!

Today's workout was a glute routine. I didn't follow the card exactly because a) I wanted to incorporate some ab moves, b) I was being super lazy, and c) I totally wore the wrong shorts for a glue routine! I started with 3 sets of 8 on the standing glute press machine. The routine called for bent-over glute presses (sans weights) but I don't really feel anything from those so I switched it up. Next I threw in standing calf-raises (12-10-8) which I know have nothing to do with glutes but I hadn't done them in a while so I figured, "why not"? Then I moved on to plie squats (3 sets of 8) with two 15-lb dumbells held between my legs. I probably should have added the heel-raises from my photo shoot but like I said, L-A-Z-Y! The other moves on the card included standing leg kick-backs with a cable attached to your lifted leg as well as lying leg raises where you lie on your stomach on a flat/wide bench and just lift your legs enough to squeeze your glutes but we don't have a bench like depicted in the magazine at World's (or Planet for that matter) and this majorly creepy old man who I try my best to avoid was hanging around the cables so I opted to avoid that area today.

Moving on to abs I did tee-pees (3 sets of 8), kneeling on the ball in between sets, and 4 sets of 30 stability ball crunches (2 sets forward and 2 sets side-to-side), doing v-sits on the ball in between sets. Overall, I guess it wasn't really the glute-focused workout I had intended but at least it was a well-rounded routine. Maybe when I turn on The Biggest Loser finale in a few moments here I'll get back some of my lost motivation and bust some real ass in the gym tomorrow!