Friday, February 20, 2015


Hey guys! Long time no talk, I know. Long story short, I am beyond swamped with my new school life here in Miami and blogging is the last thing on my list of things to do at the moment. The main issue being that when I signed up for my classes I assumed that Chem + Lab and Micro + Lab meant 2 classes (ie part-time status). Come to find out, at this new school the labs are entirely separate courses with different teachers, different tests, different grades, etc. To say I'm drowning would be an understatement. Nonetheless, I keep chugging along because that's what I always do and I know once I get through this hell I can lighten my load going forward. For now I can't promise any ongoing blogs but I wanted to let you all know that my primary method of social media these days is Instagram since it's the fastest and easiest way to broadcast to a large audience. Soooo you should all follow me @ariellenicolefit to get my latest fitness-related posts! Also, I'm still doing online personalized workout plans so if that's something you're interested please reach out to me via Insta or at! I hope you guys are all staying active this winter. 'Til next time, happy gymming! xo