Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paleo: The Latest In Fad Dieting

I thought I'd take a step away from my traditional blog updates and talk about something I've been hearing everywhere lately: The Paleo Plan. Whether you are a die-hard health and nutrition junkie or just an occasional abider, you've undoubtedly heard friends, family, or colleagues exclaim with great excitement how they are now following the Paleo Plan. I myself have several friends who have recently started following this plan and all have great things to say about it. I must admit, some of the recipes do sound quite delicious! To be honest though, I didn't really give it much thought until I opened up my latest issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers and saw the plan profiled in their nutrition section. That's when I decided to take a closer look. So, just what is Paleo all about? Here's an excerpt from

"The Paleo Diet is based upon eating wholesome, contemporary foods from the food groups our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era, the time period from about 2.6 million years ago to the beginning of the agricultural revolution, about 10,000 years ago. These foods include fresh meats (preferably grass-produced or free-ranging beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and game meat, if you can get it), fish, seafood, fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthful oils (olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia, walnut and flaxseed). Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral menu."

For more information, definitely visit the website noted above. However, I think you get the gist of it. Absolutely every food item listed above is extremely healthy and nutritious and I fully advocate incorporating all of it into your diet plan. However, I do not feel that it is in one's best interest to fully eliminate the remaining food groups such as dairy, legumes, and whole grains on a long-term basis. Similarly to the competition diet I am currently on and have been blogging about for several months now, it is a means to achieve your desired results on a short term basis but probably not in your best interest to follow indefinitely. Your body will likely either get too used to being fed the same things over and over and your progress will be hindered or worse, you'll get sick from lack of certain nutrients.

Basically, Paleo is yet another fad diet to go mainstream. Remember the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, or the Zone diet? All are still followed by thousands of people but their appeal has generally died in the wake of the newest craze to hit the market. While all of those diets may have yielded results in the short term, they all had their individual deficiencies. My guess is that Paleo will not make it long-term either but that's not to say it is a bad idea. So, take from this what you will and by all means give it a try. My intention is not to discredit Paleo but rather to give you a better idea of what it is before you jump on the popularity bandwagon. In my personal opinion, fad diets should be avoided at all costs. Paleo may have been the way of the cave men but haven't we evolved since those days? Science has certainly come a long way and we've discovered many additional foods that are equally beneficial to one's health. Your best bet is to eat a well-rounded diet filled with whole, fresh, minimally processed foods. Play around with your macros, starting with a traditional 40/30/30 ratio and adjusting from there to achieve your best individualized results. Use your smarts. After all, we aren't cave men. Best of luck!

On a side note, one of my friends has been posting pictures on Facebook lately showcasing his Paleo meal creations. One of them caught my eye the other day due to its beautiful display of colors, mix of food groups, and general mouth-watering quality! Thus I am including it in my Recipes tab (with his permission of course). Take a look, give it a try, and let me know what you think! I'll be trying it out myself come May when I can eat bacon again :) 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crunch Time

Six weeks out! The reality of what I've gotten myself into is setting in more than ever now but not in a bad way. Instead, I'm just getting more and more excited at the thought of stepping foot on stage and showing the world what I've been working so hard for these past few months. Regardless of how I place, or how my stage walk or physique compares to the other competitors, I know I'll feel like I've succeeded just simply because I've never been this fit before in my life ...not sayin' I don't want to win though LOL! But seriously, you really don't know what your body is capable of until you put it to the test. Regardless of whether or not you have any interest in a physique competition, I would recommend this type of training to any able-bodied person simply for the sense of accomplishment and confidence boost your results will give you!

Speaking of crunches, today's workout consisted of various core exercises followed by a spin class with my favourite instructor and fellow OCB competitor. Unfortunately I awoke feeling like I needed an extra couple of hours of sleep. Despite the coffee I had with breakfast and Superpump I mixed in with my BCAA's, I just couldn't muster enough energy for my usual powerhouse Saturday morning workout. I wasn't going to miss my fav spin class though so onward I pushed. For some reason I did not sleep well last night. I had a delicious and healthy post-workout dinner where I cooked my first bison steak, sipped a calming Sleepytime tea while I vegged out in front of the TV and went to bed at a reasonable hour so I'm not sure what the problem was. Maybe a result of having just way too much on my mind lately? Even Mugsy didn't sleep well though and woke me up twice with random barks :(

Anyway, today's core workout consisted of the following exercises:
-Medicine ball pullovers on a mat with soles of feet together (3x20)
-Leg lifts lying on a bench with a stability ball between feet (3x12)
-Standing leg lifts holding myself up on the tricep dip bars (3x12)
-Side crunches on the back extension machine (3x15 each side)
So, no actual crunches in today's routine! I did however start my workout with lat pulldowns (4x12) and bicep curls standing on a bosu ball (4x10) because I got caught up in way too many conversations last night and didn't get to finish my back and bicep routine...whoops! I know I could have stayed longer and finished it but when 7:00 rolled around and I had been there for 2 hours already my mind just wasn't in it anymore.

After a fun spin class with great music (where I admit I kind of half-assed it due to my lack of energy) I got in some posing practice with another fellow competitor. I know I've said this before but it is so nice to have so many people in this sport willing to help you out! I practiced my walk a bit and got some good pointers on my poses as well as had her take pics so I could see if what I imagine I look like is anything like what I actually look like LOL. Here's a shot from practice:

Now compare this to a selfie I took on 1/5/13:

Not bad progress for 1.5 months! At this point I was in a state of serious hunger so I scarfed down a mini-banana and a Matrix Mint Cookie protein shake (my new favourite protein as it tastes even better than I imagine liquefied Thin Mints would) and headed home to shower and make lunch. I've decided to jump on the beautification bandwagon early in the comp prep process and my post-Jamaica tan is in a nightmarish state of peeling so I made a Wal-mart run the other day which included two of my favourite products which I treated myself with post-shower:
The only problem with the cocoa butter is that it smells so good I want to eat it off of  myself LOL! My stomach probably would not be happy about that though! Anyway, all worked-out, posed-out, and beautified I then made a scrumptious salad for lunch which consisted of baby spinach, snap peas, carrots, cukes, craisins, almonds and chicken with a balsamic vinaigrette. Yum!
Alas, I am sitting here sipping a late afternoon coffee so I can finish this post and pray that that it reads coherently when I'm done. Then off for a dog walk and finally vegging out for the rest of the day. I think I'll save my usual weekend chores for tomorrow as I am just way too pooped right now! Anyway, I hope that all of you loyal readers got in a good pump today and enjoyed reading my latest competition prep update. I'm always happy to answer any fitness or competition-related questions so don't be shy be it on here or in person! Have a great weekend everyone and happy gymming!
....Oh, and don't forget to follow me on Twitter @PortlandGymRat :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine's Date With The Gym

The gym on Valentine's Day is like a mixer. I always joke about how if you're single, you should go to the gym after 6:00 pm on a Friday night. By my estimates, 80% of the people in there at that time are likely single. On Valentine's Day however, I up that estimate to about 95%. It's the perfect opportunity to check out the market without an automatically renewed monthly fee and an inbox full of creepers claiming that you "seem to be a perfect match"...based solely on old college photos and a list of highly edited interests :P ...Needless to say the gym was a total sausage fest tonight and that always makes for a solid (i.e. motivating) workout! I would even venture to say that there is a surplus of single men in Portland right now...the ratio of guys to girls even outside of the weight area was about 9:1!

My energy level is definitely back to normal this week, having adjusted to the latest carb cut and upping my caffeine intake during the day with an extra coffee or green tea in the afternoon. Another reason I was in such high spirits though was probably that I changed my Pandora station to "Hair Bands". I think this is the only station where I have never wanted to skip songs LOL.

Today began day #1 of week #3 of February's scheduled weight training plan which meant chest and triceps. I started today's workout with 30 minutes of running intervals (hence the Pandora). I'm so glad I switched my running days from steady runs to intervals because even at only 1-2 runs/week my knees are already starting to hurt. I think the intervals help prevent the pain from coming on too quickly though, thank god. I do NOT want a repeat of last year's running fiasco! My favourite spin instructor is subbing this Saturday's 9:00 am class so I think I'll renew my spin membership after my 3-week hiatus and that should cut down on the running days.

I've been modifying the scheduled weight training plans more often lately. The more I follow them, the more I feel like they're a crock of shit. Yesterday was legs day and as I was perusing the monthly plan I realized they have me going an entire 30 days without ANY calve work. SERIOUSLY?! I mean, I know 5" stage heels do make your calves look bigger but I'd think you'd still want to work them. Anyway, today I modified several of the scheduled exercises and left feeling like I killed it! Here's the split of my 1/2 CSF - 1/2 Arielle chest & tricep routine:

-Dumbbell chest press on a SB
-Tricep weighted bench dips w/feet on a SB
-Bosu ball 1-leg push-ups
-Cable cross-overs (chest)
-Cable rope push-downs
-Single-arm tricep kick-backs

On a totally unrelated note, yesterday I bought the domain names and First step toward my future fitness empire haha! Eventually this blog will be moved to it's own more professional-looking website and all non-blog material will be housed on FitFierceFun as well as my plans for a new business. I'm not sharing that just yet though....thoughts are still in infant stages! I'm actually very surprised that GRC was available given that there are several other blogs (not nearly as good of course!) with similar names. It took me hours however trying to jumble fitness-related words until I found a combination that both sounded good and wasn't either unavailable or on the domain marketplace for an exorbitant fee! So anyway...stay tuned for more on that's all part of my grand plan for life changes in 2013 haha

I'll leave it at that for tonight. My puppy looks like he's bored and I need a Valentine's Day snuggle :)  'Til next time, happy gymming! I hope you all had a LOVEly day! xo

Saturday, February 9, 2013

White Juan's Distant Cousin

So apparently New England has been in a "State of Emergency" for the past 24+ hours due to the "fiercest blizzard since the winter of '78". Or so I hear anyway. Any of you readers who were with me back in Hali in the winter of '04 know this thing folks are calling "Nemo" is nothing more than a pussy storm...White Juan's Distant Cousin if you will. Isn't Nemo some cute little Disney character fish? Enough said.

Due to the American media's ridiculously overblown coverage of this storm, pretty much every business in the area shut down, including my beloved World's Gym! In the past, World's has stayed open during pretty much every storm I can recall but not this time. I worked from home yesterday since even though there wasn't a ton of snow accumulation at the time, I knew by the end of the day it would at least be above my Z4's barely-there clearance so it was best to stay home and avoid getting stuck in a nasty traffic jam in SoPo at 5:00 pm. Seeing as I am a badly addicted Facebook feed-checker even during work hours, I noticed around 10:00 am that World's had posted that they would be closing at noon. Now, maybe it's just me but wouldn't it make more sense to close at say 1:00 or so so that folks could get in their workout during their lunch breaks? Anyway, in a frantic tizzy I convinced someone to give me a ride at 11:00 so at least I could get in a quickie weight sesh but then I realized moments later that some dumb ass coworker has scheduled a conference call at 11:00. Now, knowing that there was a good chance it would get cancelled (all other calls that morning had) I sent out an e-mail to all parties asking if everyone was planning on going or if I should reschedule ahead of time. Of course no one responded so I had no choice but to turn down my offer of a gym ride. Fast forward to 11:10 and guess what? The meeting was cancelled! Can you sense my frustration? Although I did get in the usual dog walks and a short weight-free maXtreme workout, basically my Friday was a total chump day.

All of you loyal readers know that Saturdays are my absolute favorite workout days however I awoke this morning unsure of what the day would bring activity-wise. Peaking out my bedroom window I could see my car was not buried so that was a good start. I ventured downstairs to make breakfast and let Mugsy out but when I opened the door and felt resistance on the other side I knew it was not a good sign. Good thing I had taken my shovel out the night before! The wind was howling and for some reason had decided to blow all of the snow up against my front entrance. Yay. Poor Mugsy didn't want to take one step forward but I knew I had to clear a path so he could do his business so onward we pushed. Luckily it was light, fluffy snow that cleaned up easily but Mugsy was not a fan...
"Mommy please, I'd rather hold it all day than be subjected to this white hell."

After a hearty breakfast I decided to make the most of my day and checked several to-do's off of my procrastination list. I did my laundry, ran the dishwasher, washed my sheets, vacuumed, dusted (which hadn't been done in waaaaaaaaay too long!), and last but definitely not least I finished up the final essay section of my ISSA CFT exam and hit submit! I absolutely hate exams, even open book ones, as I always get massive mind block, over-think everything, and assume every question is a trick question. Seriously, I don't want to even think about the number of times in school when I would go into a midterm or final exam with excellent grades and come out barely passing. However, I just prayed for the best as there was nothing I could at that point. A message came up notifying me that it would take them 3 business days to get the results back to me so I took a deep breath and pushed it to the back of my mind. In the meantime, World's posted that they would be opening at 1:00 today and a fellow competitor who thankfully understands the "TNDO" attitude offered to pick me up on his way in. Sigh of relief! As I was waiting for him to show up, I checked my Gmail account and...

I passed! I passed! I passed! One more thing on my 2013 goal list checked off! I guess those 3 days are the maximum amount of time it takes them to get back to you. Further down the e-mail it went into more detail about each section and said I got a 91%! I'll never know what the 9% I got wrong was but I'll chalk it up to trick questions ;)

I was so happy when I finally got to the gym again. Home sweet home. I began today's workout with 30 mins of running intervals and then did a back & bi's weight sesh. I am already feeling it in my biceps and between the shoveling I did this morning and the back exercises I'd be surprised if I didn't have a sore back tomorrow. Feel like I'm back in the game! Prior to hitting up the gym the plow trucks had finally come through my neighborhood. I was able to free-up my car pretty easily so I plan to get up bright and early and hit up World's again for a legs and core sesh. Last time I did this particular legs workout I was hobbling for days so I can't wait to get after it! Now I'm sitting on my usual spot on the coach having just eaten a delicious and perfectly proportioned steak dinner :)
6 oz steak tips, 1 cup asparagus sauteed w/EVOO & garlic, 1/4 cup sweet potato
I think I'm starting to get used to the latest nutrition cut. Today was the first day ever that I came in at precisely the amount of servings in all food groups. Usually I at least go overboard on the veggies but I don't feel too guilty about that! I think I'll go make a nice hot cup of Tazo Calm tea, turn on the TV, and veg-out for the rest of the night. I hope all of you survived this "record storm" and at least got in some good shoveling today. Happy Gymming! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

To say I'm starving would be the understatement of the year. I knew this whole prepping thing was going to require some extra willpower but no one can prepare you for the feeling of still being hungry after a meal, having both the monetary and physical means to get more food, but knowing that you must refrain or else you'll go over your predetermined allotment of starch/protein/fruit/veggie/fat for the day and risk throwing all your hard work down the drain. Some would say, "What's an extra 1/2 cup? It's not going to make a difference 8 weeks from now." But that's where I have to keep reminding myself that for every additional serving I allow myself, another competitor is getting that much farther ahead than me. I know this sounds absolutely crazy but this is what prepping does to you. You become obsessed. It takes over your mind to the point where everything else in your life fades far far far away into the background and you can only think of one thing. FOOD. I know I'm not alone, everyone else prepping for the same show has been talking about having the same feelings lately and the veteran competitors says it's absolutely normal. Supposedly when you make an additional cut in your diet, after a few days of mental torture your body adjusts to the new level of nutrients and you feel fine again. My diet was cut just a few days ago so that explains the sudden food psychosis. Must put my mind on other things! My biggest issue right now seems to be the drop in fruit and starch servings. I'm down to 3/4 cup of fruit and 1 cup of starch per day. PER DAY! Just a few short months ago I'd eat that much in one meal! I have no idea when the next cut will be but hopefully I have at least a few weeks before that happens. I swear I'm going to turn into a chicken breast by the end of this. Protein is the only thing that hasn't been cut yet and the only reason my grocery bill hasn't gone down any LOL!

Despite the appetite issues and the return to the mundane desk life on Monday which caused me to start the week in a bit of a depressing workout slump, I feel more energized than ever today! Last night I got a phone call around 8:30 from an unknown number. I typically won't answer my phone if I don't know who's calling (or even if I do for that matter haha) but I'd been getting unknown calls all day that weren't leaving me any messages. I picked up my cell and snapped "hello" in an irritated tone since I had just hung up on a telemarketer whom I had asked as nicely as possible to take me off their freaking call list. Well, let's just say the rest of the call was me kissing some major ass. It was one of the casting crew members for my favourite television show saying that I'd been picked to audition! I was nearly pissing my pants when I registered what was happening. I mean, I've applied to this show at least two other times and for some reason they decided my latest application was, and I quote; "just what they are looking for"?! Excited doesn't even begin to describe my feeling when I hung up the phone. Apparently, unless I want to fly out to LA to interview (which obviously I don't unless they are paying!), I have to wait for their casting crew to make it to the Northeast which will likely be a few months from now for the particular season they want me to audition for. This is going to be hard seeing as I of course have ZERO patience but I guess this is just one more thing that I need to keep my mind off of for now...and one more reason to get in fanfuckingtastical shape!

Ahhh 2013 is really shaping up to be an exciting year! I think I'm definitely going to do the 2nd OCB show on April 20th now since I've found a couple others who are doing it and it really would be a shame to not take full advantage of all the work I've put in over these past few months...and money spent prepping! April should be an interesting month to say the least. I finally decided on a posing suit and ordered it today. I splurged and went all out with full diamond connectors and crystals all over. You'd be surprised what an overwhelming task it is to pick a suit. There are literally hundreds of companies, styles, prices, colors, fabrics, connectors, etc. to choose from. I think I made the right choice though and can't wait to see the final results!

Tonight I put all my new-found energy to good use and murdered my legs. I never do cardio on legs day but since I was beyond motivated today and had an atypical 3rd coffee plus a 1/2 scoop of Super Pump in me, I started off with running intervals for 30 mins and followed those up with 65 mins of BB squats, squat jumps, pendulum lunges, cable adductors & abductors, and MB alternating squats over a bosu ball. What a great workout! Of course, it's nearly 9:00 pm now and I'm nowhere near my usual exhaustion at this hour so it'll be an interesting night's sleep tonight LOL. I already can't wait to get after it tomorrow. It's the start of week #2 of my February workouts and I've loved every day of this month's routines. I noticed I'm supposed to have an off day each week this month but I just can't do it. I guess it makes sense seeing as my body probably needs the added rest with the cut-back in calories but I seriously think off days are for chumps. I know when my body needs rest and on those days I typically do a light cardio & core routine but I still get in there. Ain't no rest for the wicked, right?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Eat Dirty Train Clean?

Today I'm back on plan after a week of struggling to stay on track at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. Let me tell you, Jamaican's do not understand the concept of clean eating! Day #1 was a complete diet bomb as I hadn't yet figured out how to navigate the menu options and was left feeling beyond guilty after each meal turned out to be either fried or covered in enough oils and sauces to tie my stomach in knots. By day #2 I had learned to specify that items be sauce-free but even then my meats were largely fatty or brushed with some mysterious oils prior to "grilling" (I don't think my grilled dishes were actually grilled). Luckily, I could keep breakfasts clean by either ordering eggs or whipping up some protein oatmeal that Customs luckily did not confiscate out of my luggage and lunches were hit or miss depending on which restaurant we ate at and the daily salad bar buffet options. Ugh, I cringe when I hear the word buffet, but luckily my willpower stayed strong all week! Oddly enough, vegetables were hard to come by and the salad bars were stocked with mostly dirty salad options like cheeses, bacon, croutons, and creamy dressings. As a result, I decided my best option for keeping satiated without eating dirty was to load-up on the abundance of delicious tropical fruit. While this means that I was waaaayyyy over my fruit allowance each day, at least I was able to keep it clean.  Being an all-inclusive the drinks were flowing non-stop. However, even the alluring "dirty banana" cocktail didn't get me to bite hahaha. I had told myself I was allowed one drink during the week so I decided to have a glass of wine while having Italian fare one evening. However, it ended up being so foul tasting that I didn't even finish it! I'm quite certain I was the only non-drinker at the resort but honestly, and I know this is really cocky-sounding (but true!), the figures on display were enough to make you not want to eat or drink for the rest of your life!  Today is day #2 of being back on my 100% clean eating routine (surprisingly I had two fantastic airport meals yesterday - a Caribbean shrimp salad for lunch and blackened seared Ahi with steamed veggies for dinner) and I feel so much better!

Now that I've got all of my complaining out, I have to say that the resort gym was the best hotel gym I've ever seen. While my workouts weren't quite as intense as they usually are, and I was missing a few of my fav items like the bosu ball, I was able to follow my CSF workouts for the most part with minimal modifications. The trick to making sure I got in my full workout each day without afternoon procrastination setting-in was to hit up the gym when it opened at 6:00 am and be done with my workout by the time everyone else was just getting up and meeting for breakfast.
Enjoying my alone time in the gym at 6:00 am
I typically hate working out that early as my body is simply not warmed-up and awake yet but a half-asleep workout is a lot better than no workout! One great thing about getting in there that early was that people didn't start to arrive until about 6:45-7:00 so I always had the equipment to myself for at least the first 45 mins. The rest of my travel companions (aside from my Step Mother who I have to give credit to because she did join me each morning) were a bunch of talkers, all loving to talk about their "workouts" yet the whole vacation I only ever saw one of them in there...once! Oh well, I do realize that it was a vacation and most Americans seem to think of working out as more of a chore than a treat but if I were guzzling 5+ cocktails each day, each anywhere between 300-800 calories by my estimate, you can be damn sure I'd be sweating oceans on the treadmill each day!

All in all though, it was a very nice week away from reality. The temperature was roughly 85 F each day with periodic clouds to keep from it getting too sweltering and I have a seriously awesome bronze going on right now (complete with a nasty peeling forehead though). One of my favourite things was the coconut man who rolled his cart down the resort strip each day, opening up freshly picked coconuts for you to drink from. Can you say delicious?! I'm not sure if coconut water is allowed on my current plan or not but it was so fantastic and totally worth it if it was a cheat! The first thing I did after breakfast this morning was go to the grocery store and load-up on clean food for the week which put my mind at-ease. I can't believe I'm only 8 weeks out! There will be absolutely NO cheating for the next 8 weeks, not even so much as a chocolate chip! I can't wait to hit up World's in an hour or so and get after the first of the February CSF workouts. Today is chest and triceps and I'm going to start with a nice 30-min StairMaster sesh. While I'm already missing the warmth, sunshine, and care-free living of the Caribbean, I am very happy to be home with my puppy and back to my usual routine. I am such a creature of habit! I hope all of you Gym Rats kept up with your workouts and diets over the week. As always, whether you're at home or on-the-road, NO EXCUSES! Happy Gymming :)