Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Etiquette Rules

Well, yesterday was the last of my tennis lessons so today began my official kick-off of getting back into running. I feel like the past few weeks have been so busy for me that my workouts have seriously suffered. Not to mention the fact that when it's hot out I cut waaay back on the cardio. I mean, I'm already sweating, why make it worse?! All the health and fitness magazines out there would lead one to believe that people are at their fittest in the Summer months but I swear, Winter is by far my best time of the year physique-wise. I'd much rather be spending my time in the nice even-temperature gym than outside in the sub-zero ice and snow! Anyway, tonight I did a short 1-mile run on the treadmill followed by a standard bi's/tri's/abs routine at World's. While it was only a short run, I definitely had to push to run through the pain starting to develop in my knee. Therefore, I'm going to keep at the short distances 1-2 times per week until I have no knee/shin/ankle issues and then gradually work my way back up to my 5-k goal.  Add back-in a spin or yoga class here and there and I'll be feeling back to normal in no time!

Instead of the usual listing out of my daily workout routine, I thought I'd focus on a topic you all likely have something to say about, gym etiquette! What made me think of this topic today was first the guy that decided it was acceptable to stand right directly in front of me to do his bicep curls when it was obvious that I was staring into the mirror to help keep my balance on the bosu ball. Now, I understand that people make mistakes but typically when one realizes they are in someone's way they move out of it. It's simple gym-goer courtesy! However, I stared the guy down and he didn't flinch. Not even when I quite obviously dragged the bosu a couple of feet to the right and then looked back at him to see if he'd noticed! Urghhh Some people! Then I suddenly felt the urge to hurl my last meal as I noticed that the extremely repulsive overly-tatted-beady-eyed-meat-head I am always trying to avoid was looking up waiting to make eye contact, apparently the move he deems to be invitation to come harass the hell out of me. I'm guessing he thinks that is flirting. Hellooooo mister, when I roll my eyes and scowl at your for the ten millionth time, then will you realize I am actually trying to workout and am not interested in making small talk with you?! Anyway, at this very moment I decided that a blog on gym etiquette was in great need. 

I would be writing all night long if I wanted to capture all of my gym etiquette pet-peeves so I've narrowed down the list to what I consider to be the worst offenders. There are a few rules that are common knowledge and should present no surprise to you if you've spent any amount of time in a gym. These are as follows:

1. If you sweat on equipment, wipe it down before the next person has to use it. No, this doesn't mean do a quick pat with a dirty cloth you've used on all the machines you used prior. It means walk the three freaking feet to the towel holder, rip off a clean piece, spray it with sanitizer, and wipe your grimy mess off the machine! No one wants to sit in a pool of your ass sweat. 
2. For those of you circuit-lovers, either start working out at slow times of the day when most equipment is available or workout with a few other circuit-lovers so that you don't leave equipment unused and expect everyone else in the gym to automatically know its reserved for 15 freaking minutes later when your circuit gets back to that station! Sorry guys, open equipment is fare game!
3. Using the gym as your opportunity to show everyone how cool you are by talking on the phone the whole time loud enough so everyone within a 3-mile vicinity can hear you. No, you are not cool. No one cares (or thinks) that you have so many friends, important work arrangements, personal appointments that you have to be on your phone in the weight room! If you really must multi-task then I suppose I could forgive you for talking while on the treadmill or elliptical since then you wouldn't be in anyone's way. However, holding up a machine or bench so you can chat about that girl you hooked up with last Friday night when others are standing by waiting to use that same equipment is just plain rude! And un-atractive to boot!

The next gym faux-pas are perhaps not items that first come to mind but when they happen they can really irk you! These are the following:
1. Using the weight stand as your personal support. i.e. standing over it, blocking free weights from other's grasp, while doing your curls, rows, etc. This crime goes hand-in-hand with standing directly in front of the weight stand for your workout. Hello people, some of us may want to get at the weights you are covering up without having to reach right through you!
2. Surrounding yourself with all the weights needed for your entire workout, leaving the weight stand rather empty for the rest of the the gym goers. You only have two hands. You can only use one set of weights at a time. I.e. finish your sets with one size, put them back for someone else to use, then pick up the next size for your next exercise. Sadly, I've seen more girls do this than guys! 
3. Not putting the weights back where they belong. I don't care if when you picked up the 15 lb dumbbells they were already sitting in the 25-lb. slots. That does not mean that you should put them back there. Stop being lazy and put them where they belong. The person after you will be very appreciative that they did not spend 20 minutes trying to track down the 15-lbers. Additionally, the gym staff will not have to waste their personal time at the end of the night putting everything back where it belongs. 

Alas, I'm sure there are many more gym etiquette rules being broken in gyms across the globe at this very moment but I think this at least covers the basics. I propose the institution of gym police. Commit a certain amount of gym etiquette crimes in a certain period and you're out! Do you have a gym pet-peeve that you just must vent about? If so, please share below! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spin Me Right Round

You guessed it, spinning today! Woke nice and early this Saturday morning to get in a good bi's, tri's, and abs workout prior to the 9am spin class. I've been hitting up this class every Saturday for the past few weeks as I've found it to be the best spin class so far. Extremely motivating music (good loud beats) and lots of pressure to keep up the pace and sweat out all those toxins that have accumulated over the week (or that you drank the night before, oops!). I think I may have to buy a spin membership again because even doing it just once per week is pricier than a month's membership fee. My only complaint is that there is a serious lack of air circulation in the spin room and today's muggy, hot temperatures were not helping things. As a result, I definitely did not reach as high a gear setting as I usually do!

For weights today I did one of my typical bi/tri routines. This past week's gym workouts have been lacking as two days were forfeited for trips to Boston (to purchase a sweet new ride!) and Monday was the first of my previously postponed tennis lessons. Tennis by the way was really fun and to my delight I didn't suck as bad as I recalled! Here's a breakdown of today's routine:

1. 3 sets of 8 bicep curls standing on the bosu
2. 3 sets of 8 weighted tricep bench dips with feet on a stability ball
3. 3 sets of 8 hammer curls standing on the bosu
4. 3 sets of 8 (each arm) tricep kickbacks

1. 4 sets of 12 "air crunches". So happy my ankle is not hurting me anymore so I can get back into these and other incline crunches!
2. 4 sets of 8 leg lifts. 2 sets forward and 2 sets side-to-side. The first two sets were hanging and the last two stationary because the hanging loops seriously reak of people's sweat and there's only so much I can take of smelling that!

Dear World's Gym: Please please please replace those nasty loops!!!

3. 2 sets of 12 incline crunches, one front and one side-to-side.

Several hours later and I am nursing a bad headache, I'm guessing dehydration-caused. It seems to be physically impossible for me to drink the same amount I sweat out during spin class, especially on a day like today. All in all though an excellent workout and a great way to break into the weekend!

APP UPDATE: Spoke to the developer earlier in the week and the edits are still taking much longer than anticipated (30 mins for each shot and there are over 600 individual shots!) and he is the only person doing them. Therefore, we're pushing back the launch day to sometime around the end of August in order to take advantage of the surge of back-to-college students looking for a great new workout plan.