Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sausage Is Not Part of a Healthy Diet

Every Thursday you can bring a friend to World's for free so today I brought my friend Jen to whom I'd been talking-up Worlds' equipment for a while. Usually Thursdays are nice and quiet as the casual gym-goers have already given up for the week. Today, however, not only was it packed but it was also a massive sausage fest. You'd think this would be a good thing but in this case there were one too many flavors I'd previously sampled and passed on. But that's a story for another time...

So, Jen and I grabbed two treadmills in the front row (best viewing capabilities) and I cranked out my 20  minutes again. No cramps. No stopping. My legs could use a serious break right now so even though today was a legs day, I decided to alternate legs and abs to give me some time to recover. We started with one-leg weighted deadlifts and followed with stability ball weighted leg lifts, standing glute press, and lastly incline medicine ball-catching crunches. Leg presses were on the agenga but we'd fallen behind on time due to all of the distractions haha. Between skipping those today and doing a half-ass bis/tris session yesterday, looks like tomorrow is going to be a random make-up workout!

We ended with some leg stretches on the mats and that was it for the night. I had Jen take pics of the deadlifts and leg lifts since they're two of my favorite moves and yield great results so stay tuned for those uploads.  I'll add descriptions and ways to modify them for your level too. Now I just have to figure out how to upload pics on here!


  1. Seems like you got distracted by food, I can relate. Downstairs at the gym I go to, there is a port city java. I live off of their hot coca.

    I've heard of one leg dead lifts, never tried them though. I'm always looking for ways to change my workouts to avoid plateaus.

  2. Haha that wasn't the kind of sausage I was referring to :P

    You should definitely try the deadlifts. Two days later and my hams are still feeling it. I just added a tab under the header that shows how to do them. Good luck!

  3. OH! That kind! (still one hell of a distraction) Mind's always on food thanks to metabolism...
