Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Easing Back Into It

Just a quick in-and-out back & chest routine at World's this afternoon. I was dying a slow death from boredom at work this afternoon so I booked it early to hit up the gym before the usuals got there. The dirty retired old man usuals are unavoidable but at least I avoided the younger meat-heads that have been cramming the place lately. I suppose I do go to what is now known to be the meat-head gym of Portland but its been more irritating than usual lately. I even went so far as to go to Planet yesterday because of it! Okay, so maybe it was partially because my neighbor told me there was a new stud working out there but at least it was a nice change of scenery. And no, no stud was in site. Although the guy behind the counter wasn't too hard on the eyes haha.

Anyway, my workouts have been slowly improving lately as my ankle seems to be mostly better and I've been able to incorporate more and more balance work each day. I haven't attempted a run yet though. I am contemplating starting with a short 1-miler at some point this week but we'll see. I had to beg and plead to get my formerly scheduled June tennis lessons postponed to July so I wouldn't want to re-sprain my ankle and then risk missing out on tennis all together!

Today's fast routine consisted of 15 minutes on the elliptical to warm-up and then the following three weight routines:
1. 3 sets of 10 free weight chest press on a stability ball
2. 3 sets of 10 lat pull-downs, using a different hand grip each set
3. 3 sets of 10 seated rows
My abs are quite sore today and I'm not sure why other than perhaps an effect of increasing the weight on the stability ball leg lifts I did yesterday so today all I did was 4 sets of 30 non-weighted stability ball crunches (2 sets forward and 2 sets side-to-side) and finally 3 sets of 30-second planks (front, left, and right side planks).

Tomorrow my weekly schedule comes full circle again. Friday was my off day so I skipped the gym and opted for a long dog walk instead. On Saturday I got to the gym bright and early and did an hour of legs before a ridiculously good spin class. Then on Sunday I did bi's & tri's, and shoulders yesterday. Thus, tomorrow is legs again. Doing legs at Planet totally blows so my stud finder will have to wait a day or so before I turn it on again haha.

APP UPDATE: Pics/Videos are still being edited so launch date is unknown. Hopefully soon... Getting soooooo excited / impatient! :)

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