Sunday, January 6, 2013

Competition Prep - 3 Weeks In

It's another Sunday Funday here and it's been just that today -- FUN! That is, if you consider waking up early, packing in the protein & carbs, and hitting the gym for a serious lower body ass-kicking fun...which of course I do! I'm just about to wrap-up week #3 of my CSF program and can honestly say I've never felt better. After the first week of following the plan down to a "T", I must admit I was not satisfied at all. The exercises were all high-rep exercises and I was so focused on being able to get in all the required reps that I ended up going too light on the weights and thus was not working to failure or experiencing any of the muscle burn necessary in order to make the gains I need. My coach wasn't much help, just saying to "follow the program" and "go as heavy as possible"....ummm did you not just hear what I'm saying?!, I thought to myself. Therefore, in week # 2 I took matters into my own hands, increasing my weights and repping to failure (which often meant less reps than listed) and making modifications as necessary to make the most of my workouts. For example, adding-in the Bosu, SB, or MB when appropriate. At the finale of week #2 I was feeling much better and moved on to the January workouts for week #3 which I am enjoying even more. I feel like the December workouts were just disappointingly basic. I'm still making modifications as necessary but following all the exercises listed. My only complaint this time around is that there is simply not enough core work. As such, during either my one functional day a week or during my weight-free day I am doing all-core routines in order to pick up the slack. Today was my legs (and some core) day and here was the breakdown:

-Kettle bell swings
-DB alternating front lunge
-Calf raises
-DB curtsy lunge
-1 leg bridges (which I did on the bosu)
-SB Pikes (adding SB balances in between sets)
-BB squat abduction (lateral leg lifts in between squats)
-Captain's chair straight leg raises

After having done spinning yesterday, today was my steady-state cardio day so I did 30 minutes on the StairMaster  I had never been on the StairMaster before but I decided it was a necessary change in order to a) switch-up my program and trick my body with something different and b) hit my glute/upper thigh area which has a serious toning issue LOL! Needless to say, by the time I was done my workout today my ass was on fire!

I quickly snarfed down a banana and my delightfully delicious cappuccino whey shake which held me over until lunchtime when I treated myself to my favourite cheat-ish meal, sushi! I say cheat-ish because sushi itself isn't made un-clean until you insist on having your tuna with the spicy mayo which is obviously a must :)  

As far as my nutrition plan is going, it's honestly not that much different than how I was already eating. I'm hoping that as time goes on, my coach tailors it more for my individual needs though as there are some modifications I have had to make to this department as well. For example, it doesn't allow me to eat any starches after meal #3 which I think is ridiculous since I train from 5-7 Mondays-Fridays and could eat a freaking horse when I'm done in there! My guess is that the plan was made for someone who works out in the morning or mid-day. All-in-all I try to have the # of fats, carbs, and proteins listed, I just have to change up the order a bit. I'm feeling great though so I guess that's what counts! 

That's really the only update I have at the moment. I haven't done anything with maXtreme since my last photo shoot and as far as I know the website is still being built-out. Hopefully I'll have another update on that in the near future as people have been asking me a lot about it lately. I have 2 more chapters left in my ISSA CFT studying so pretty soon I'll be reviewing all of the material and preparing for the final exam! I'd rather die than go outside in this frigid weather (the sunshine is sooo deceiving) so it's the perfect time for me to make as much progress in the gym and in my studies as possible right now. My favourite Twitter hash-tag lately is #StartStrong2013 ...which I will soon have to change to #StayStrong2013 LOL. I hope all of you gym rats are making the most of your health & fitness in the new year. Feel free to comment below and share any of the changes you are or plan to make for yourself. Remember, Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong! Happy gymming :)

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