Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rep Range Re-Cap

One thing I will say about my new lifting plan is that it sufficiently beats the shit out of me! Today ended week #2 of the P/RR/S plan with my early Saturday AM chest & core workout. I decided to take a TRUE rest day yesterday because my body was done. I mean seriously done like in pain from head-to-toe (the good kind) where constant Ibuprophen just barely takes the edge off done! I have to say I was not a big fan of the “rep range” week and didn’t follow it to a T. I found it difficult to follow the 2/1/2 tempo and still lift heavy enough so I opted for heavy weights where necessary and didn’t really follow the tempo as intended. Regardless, each workout left me burning well into the next one so by the time Friday rolled-around I needed a break. It really hit me on Thursday when I spent the day at an off-site volunteer event with work. The day was spent on my hands and knees gardening and while it was mostly light weeding and mulching, hitting a HARD leg sesh immediately afterward was icing on the cake. Doing legs that day wasn’t my smartest move ever. I couldn’t safely hit full sets with my latest 115 squat PR so I begrudgingly decreased back down to 105 lbs. I think I was just too physically exhausted from the day’s labor so while I was mentally ready to hit it my body just wasn’t going to let it happen. However, the lift ended up being phenomenal as a whole and thanks to the 1-leg leg presses that were added this week, my glutes are burning like a mutherfucker still two days later! I don’t know why I hadn’t incorporated such a simple exercise into my routine before but it is definitely one of my favs now!

So anyway, last night being my usual cheat meal / high-carb night I got a delicious (and massive) pulled pork burrito to-go from this restaurant I had been given a GC to (to entice me to go back after a night of horrendous service) and didn’t do much else other than stuff my face and then bake a pumpkin-banana protein bread for breakfast this week. I’ll add the recipe to the recipes tab shortly so be sure to check-in for that!  I’m almost 1 month post-show and I seem to be settling in at about 5 pounds heavier than my stage-weight. I think my reverse diet is going alright so far so I may up my calories ever so slightly come Monday (May 19th vs show-day of April 19th). I am going to try to get this calorie increase from just added protein though because my macros have been a bit out of wack lately. I try to stick to a typical 40/30/30 diet but my carbs have been way too high due to my love of fruit so I think I ought to try & offset it before I totally lose my bikini bod LOL! Here’s a pic of the delicious breakfast I started my weekend with today:

One thick slice of my homemade bread (1/6th of the loaf) with maple walnut peanut butter, 1/2 cup scrambled egg whites (for added protein) and of course my coffee! 

My lift today consisted of incline DB chest presses, flat bench DB flies, flat bench BB presses, SB tee-pees (with balancing), Bosu pushups, and finally SB weighted crunches. It was quite unusually crowded for an early Saturday morning thanks to the awful downpour we were having but I managed to get the job done in about an hour. I did not however manage to avoid all of the old men and their annoying questions about my show which really set me on edge but I think I've gone through them all by now so hopefully the inquiries are done with. Can someone please tell me what makes me look so damn approachable when my headphones are on, I have an intentional scowl on my face, and I DO NOT make eye contact?! Oye. Anyway, off I went to run a few errands which included my weekly grocery shopping and back home I came. Despite the lingering drizzle I grilled-up my chicken breast for the week (grilling is just SOOO much tastier than baking!) and made this delightful salad for lunch:

Feta and strawberries together has got to be one of my favorite flavors! I eat a variation of this salad nearly every day for lunch. It's just so fresh, filling, and of course beautiful! 

The sun is starting to poke through the clouds at the moment so I think I ought to take the pup out for a walk before the finicky weather decides to change again. Tomorrow it'll be that time again for my fav yoga class and then I really have no idea what the rest of the weekend will bring. Come Monday though it will be time to start Shock week. I hope my body is ready! Have a fantastic weekend everyone and don't forget to check the updated recipes tab! xo

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