Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Battle Continues

The battle to maintain my workouts with a cold that will not go away, that is! The Black Friday "deals" yesterday were less than disappointing so I'm still on the hunt for some good, inexpensive running sneakers. But for now, it doesn't really matter since I have absolutely no energy to crank out a run these days! Yesterday was a short work day so I hit up the gym in the afternoon for some light cardio on the eliptical and a bis/tris workout. Even though I'm stuck doing lighter than usual weights this week it at least feels good to be back in the gym!

This morning I felt even more out of it (perhaps a result of my morning coffee mixed with sudafed?) so I only did a short 10 minute eliptical warmup but then I followed it up with a pretty good legs workout. I started with 3 sets of 8 (each side) one-legged dead lifts, keeping it at 15 lb dumb bells today since my balance is still kind of off. Then I followed those with 4 sets of 8 on the glute press machine (the one where you are bent over), doing 2 sets of straight leg and 2 sets of bent leg. I decided to give my legs a break for a bit so next I moved on to side leg crunches on the back extension machine (3 sets of 12, each side). For my last leg workout I alternated 3 sets of 12 forward leg squats with 3 sets of 12 plie squats with a 30 lb. bar on my shoulders. World's just got 3 new sets of fixed-weight bars which I am really excited about! Next for abs I did 3 sets of 8 pushups with my toes balancing on a stability ball. These are really difficult and I can't go down all the way yet but they are a great core/shoulders/chest workout! Lastly, I did a series of planks (front, right leg/arm and left leg/arm) mixed with chaturanga pose (low hovering pushup position) into upward and downward dog. It was a nice mix of abs and stretching to round out my workout!

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