Sunday, February 26, 2012

Post Vacation Return

Back to my routine this morning after a week of basking in the 90 degree temperature, bright sunny skies, and flawless crystal clear waters of Miami. Can't say I'm the slightest bit happy about being back in this miserable, fat, frigid state, however, the workout I got in this morning sure beat the lame hotel gym workouts of the past 9 days! While I did get up early and hit the gym before everyone else got up each day as well as took several long beach walks (primarily to ensure my tan was well rounded haha), nothing beats being back in a fully equipped gym with all the equipment necessary to get in a complete workout.

The first thing I did was hit up the fake-n-bake for a few minutes. While I know this is terribly bad for you and I typically do not condone fake tanning, it was oh-so-necessary this morning to ensure that my prime shade is maintained haha. Plus, my winter depression which miraculously disappeared upon stepping off the plane into the warm Florida air decided to creep back into my system this morning so clearly I am once again completely devoid of my vitamin D! After my mini therapy session I pumped out a very satisfying 20 minute run. While I only did one outdoor run while on vacay (the humidity made my body feel like it was carrying an extra 100 lbs of bricks so I gave up after the one try), the timing of my daily gym sessions was not the best for ultimate motivation, i.e. rolling out of bed and hitting the gym without any coffee does not make for a solid workout. Therefore, this was the longest run I've had since pre-vacay. I really pushed myself hard this morning which was great because now I don't have that "Ew, I'm back from a week of indulgence and now I have to start back at square one" feeling haha.

For weights today I decided to do shoulders and moved back and forth between weights and abs.  I kept it simple, starting with arnold presses (3 sets of 8) and then moving on to air-crunches (3 sets of 16 side-to-side).  These felt extremely hard, probably because the hotel gym had limited ab equipment so the majority of my ab exercises involved variations of planks and push-ups. I was also very happy to have my bosu ball back again to  add-in some extra stabilization to my workout! Next, I moved on to front and latteral arm raises (3 sets of 8 each) and then ended with tee-pees (3 sets of 8), balancing on the top of the ball in between sets.

I kept up a solid pace and a good sweat the whole time, drank about a gallon of water, and left after about an hour and a half of gym time. Pretty good post-vacation Sunday morning workout if you ask me! I hit up the grocery store afterward and stocked upon my new favourite post-gym / lunch item, yogurt with granola and fruit. I had key-lime flavour yogurt today which wasn't nearly as good as the slice I had at Joe's Stone Crab the other night but the strawberries, raspberries, and Kashi Go Lean crunch cereal (less fattening than granola and more protein) I added to it were a pretty good substitute! Going to pack this delightful concoction for work lunches this week. Oh god....back to the grind tomorrow. Hopefully the thought of another stellar workout will push me through the workday!

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