Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crunch Time

Six weeks out! The reality of what I've gotten myself into is setting in more than ever now but not in a bad way. Instead, I'm just getting more and more excited at the thought of stepping foot on stage and showing the world what I've been working so hard for these past few months. Regardless of how I place, or how my stage walk or physique compares to the other competitors, I know I'll feel like I've succeeded just simply because I've never been this fit before in my life ...not sayin' I don't want to win though LOL! But seriously, you really don't know what your body is capable of until you put it to the test. Regardless of whether or not you have any interest in a physique competition, I would recommend this type of training to any able-bodied person simply for the sense of accomplishment and confidence boost your results will give you!

Speaking of crunches, today's workout consisted of various core exercises followed by a spin class with my favourite instructor and fellow OCB competitor. Unfortunately I awoke feeling like I needed an extra couple of hours of sleep. Despite the coffee I had with breakfast and Superpump I mixed in with my BCAA's, I just couldn't muster enough energy for my usual powerhouse Saturday morning workout. I wasn't going to miss my fav spin class though so onward I pushed. For some reason I did not sleep well last night. I had a delicious and healthy post-workout dinner where I cooked my first bison steak, sipped a calming Sleepytime tea while I vegged out in front of the TV and went to bed at a reasonable hour so I'm not sure what the problem was. Maybe a result of having just way too much on my mind lately? Even Mugsy didn't sleep well though and woke me up twice with random barks :(

Anyway, today's core workout consisted of the following exercises:
-Medicine ball pullovers on a mat with soles of feet together (3x20)
-Leg lifts lying on a bench with a stability ball between feet (3x12)
-Standing leg lifts holding myself up on the tricep dip bars (3x12)
-Side crunches on the back extension machine (3x15 each side)
So, no actual crunches in today's routine! I did however start my workout with lat pulldowns (4x12) and bicep curls standing on a bosu ball (4x10) because I got caught up in way too many conversations last night and didn't get to finish my back and bicep routine...whoops! I know I could have stayed longer and finished it but when 7:00 rolled around and I had been there for 2 hours already my mind just wasn't in it anymore.

After a fun spin class with great music (where I admit I kind of half-assed it due to my lack of energy) I got in some posing practice with another fellow competitor. I know I've said this before but it is so nice to have so many people in this sport willing to help you out! I practiced my walk a bit and got some good pointers on my poses as well as had her take pics so I could see if what I imagine I look like is anything like what I actually look like LOL. Here's a shot from practice:

Now compare this to a selfie I took on 1/5/13:

Not bad progress for 1.5 months! At this point I was in a state of serious hunger so I scarfed down a mini-banana and a Matrix Mint Cookie protein shake (my new favourite protein as it tastes even better than I imagine liquefied Thin Mints would) and headed home to shower and make lunch. I've decided to jump on the beautification bandwagon early in the comp prep process and my post-Jamaica tan is in a nightmarish state of peeling so I made a Wal-mart run the other day which included two of my favourite products which I treated myself with post-shower:
The only problem with the cocoa butter is that it smells so good I want to eat it off of  myself LOL! My stomach probably would not be happy about that though! Anyway, all worked-out, posed-out, and beautified I then made a scrumptious salad for lunch which consisted of baby spinach, snap peas, carrots, cukes, craisins, almonds and chicken with a balsamic vinaigrette. Yum!
Alas, I am sitting here sipping a late afternoon coffee so I can finish this post and pray that that it reads coherently when I'm done. Then off for a dog walk and finally vegging out for the rest of the day. I think I'll save my usual weekend chores for tomorrow as I am just way too pooped right now! Anyway, I hope that all of you loyal readers got in a good pump today and enjoyed reading my latest competition prep update. I'm always happy to answer any fitness or competition-related questions so don't be shy be it on here or in person! Have a great weekend everyone and happy gymming!
....Oh, and don't forget to follow me on Twitter @PortlandGymRat :)

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