Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

To say I'm starving would be the understatement of the year. I knew this whole prepping thing was going to require some extra willpower but no one can prepare you for the feeling of still being hungry after a meal, having both the monetary and physical means to get more food, but knowing that you must refrain or else you'll go over your predetermined allotment of starch/protein/fruit/veggie/fat for the day and risk throwing all your hard work down the drain. Some would say, "What's an extra 1/2 cup? It's not going to make a difference 8 weeks from now." But that's where I have to keep reminding myself that for every additional serving I allow myself, another competitor is getting that much farther ahead than me. I know this sounds absolutely crazy but this is what prepping does to you. You become obsessed. It takes over your mind to the point where everything else in your life fades far far far away into the background and you can only think of one thing. FOOD. I know I'm not alone, everyone else prepping for the same show has been talking about having the same feelings lately and the veteran competitors says it's absolutely normal. Supposedly when you make an additional cut in your diet, after a few days of mental torture your body adjusts to the new level of nutrients and you feel fine again. My diet was cut just a few days ago so that explains the sudden food psychosis. Must put my mind on other things! My biggest issue right now seems to be the drop in fruit and starch servings. I'm down to 3/4 cup of fruit and 1 cup of starch per day. PER DAY! Just a few short months ago I'd eat that much in one meal! I have no idea when the next cut will be but hopefully I have at least a few weeks before that happens. I swear I'm going to turn into a chicken breast by the end of this. Protein is the only thing that hasn't been cut yet and the only reason my grocery bill hasn't gone down any LOL!

Despite the appetite issues and the return to the mundane desk life on Monday which caused me to start the week in a bit of a depressing workout slump, I feel more energized than ever today! Last night I got a phone call around 8:30 from an unknown number. I typically won't answer my phone if I don't know who's calling (or even if I do for that matter haha) but I'd been getting unknown calls all day that weren't leaving me any messages. I picked up my cell and snapped "hello" in an irritated tone since I had just hung up on a telemarketer whom I had asked as nicely as possible to take me off their freaking call list. Well, let's just say the rest of the call was me kissing some major ass. It was one of the casting crew members for my favourite television show saying that I'd been picked to audition! I was nearly pissing my pants when I registered what was happening. I mean, I've applied to this show at least two other times and for some reason they decided my latest application was, and I quote; "just what they are looking for"?! Excited doesn't even begin to describe my feeling when I hung up the phone. Apparently, unless I want to fly out to LA to interview (which obviously I don't unless they are paying!), I have to wait for their casting crew to make it to the Northeast which will likely be a few months from now for the particular season they want me to audition for. This is going to be hard seeing as I of course have ZERO patience but I guess this is just one more thing that I need to keep my mind off of for now...and one more reason to get in fanfuckingtastical shape!

Ahhh 2013 is really shaping up to be an exciting year! I think I'm definitely going to do the 2nd OCB show on April 20th now since I've found a couple others who are doing it and it really would be a shame to not take full advantage of all the work I've put in over these past few months...and money spent prepping! April should be an interesting month to say the least. I finally decided on a posing suit and ordered it today. I splurged and went all out with full diamond connectors and crystals all over. You'd be surprised what an overwhelming task it is to pick a suit. There are literally hundreds of companies, styles, prices, colors, fabrics, connectors, etc. to choose from. I think I made the right choice though and can't wait to see the final results!

Tonight I put all my new-found energy to good use and murdered my legs. I never do cardio on legs day but since I was beyond motivated today and had an atypical 3rd coffee plus a 1/2 scoop of Super Pump in me, I started off with running intervals for 30 mins and followed those up with 65 mins of BB squats, squat jumps, pendulum lunges, cable adductors & abductors, and MB alternating squats over a bosu ball. What a great workout! Of course, it's nearly 9:00 pm now and I'm nowhere near my usual exhaustion at this hour so it'll be an interesting night's sleep tonight LOL. I already can't wait to get after it tomorrow. It's the start of week #2 of my February workouts and I've loved every day of this month's routines. I noticed I'm supposed to have an off day each week this month but I just can't do it. I guess it makes sense seeing as my body probably needs the added rest with the cut-back in calories but I seriously think off days are for chumps. I know when my body needs rest and on those days I typically do a light cardio & core routine but I still get in there. Ain't no rest for the wicked, right?

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