Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Constructive Criticism

It’s another glorious morning here. The sun is shining, barely a light jacket is needed, and I of course am locked inside my corporate prison amid both frigid temperatures and frigid personalities.

Its day #3 of my new workout split. It’s supposed to be my glutes-focused day but my quads are still so sore from Monday’s leg workout that I think Wednesday and Thursday (biceps & triceps) are going to have to be switched. Talk about some seriously delayed DOMS! I feel like I’ve been killing it in the gym this week. Every muscle I’ve worked so far is sore and I’m pounding out my workouts in record time. Also, eating more calories = increased energy = heavier weights = BIGGER MUSCLES! At least I tell myself that J Further, and I know this is going to sound funny, but I tend to workout harder when I think I look good…so the new Under Armour outfit I unnecessarily splurged on while shopping for something else on Monday (and wore yesterday) was totally worth the expense LOL!

Anyway, the subject of this entry came to mind this morning as I realized I had not yet discussed the feedback I got from the judges at the SOA (or at least I don’t think I have so if I have then I apologize for the duplication!). Now, we were told at the time that we wouldn’t be given any judge contact information since they were all so tied up still from past competitions; however, I realized when I returned home that I did already have the contact information for one of the judges (the MC) whom I promptly inquired with. He responded right away and told me that really the only thing he had written in his notes was that I could improve upon my posing. I just needed to find a way to twist my body into the most desirable angle for emphasizing my strongest points on stage. I guess this will just come with time and practice since I don’t really have a clue what to do differently at this point. All of the pics from the SOA have now been posted online though and looking at the group comparisons I can easily see how some of the girls who may not have been my top pics physique-wise definitely had the posing down.

That was the only feedback I was able to get until last night when I noticed that another judge had posted on the SOA Facebook page that he was willing to provide feedback to anyone interested. I of course jumped on this and a little while later he messaged me back saying that his notes included the following:

-He had pegged me as 3rd in both categories (good since that’s better than the end result of 3rd Novice & 4th Open)
-A touch tighter on the glutes (no surprise here since it’s my #1 area of focus right now)
-A few random compliments which were nice but don’t really get me anywhere haha

Ummm did I just read that correctly? In all the feedback I’ve gotten from both shows, no one has said something like this, especially in all scary caps lock! I can’t say I disagree as my goal is of course to build more muscle but I guess I was a little put off by the “all around” comment. I mean, I personally think I rocked it in the abs department and looking at the other girls’ pics that is a true fact plain and simple. Okay, cockiness aside, I do appreciate the “constructive” criticism and I am happy that I finally found an OCB judge who is looking for muscle tone in the bikini girls. Maybe I still have a future in this organization after all LOL! I guess I just have to hope for more judges like this at future shows. Of course I’d never ask but now I’m really curious what he thought of the girl that won overall and got her pro card! I’m guessing she wasn’t his first pick…

Alas, 8 hours to go until I can work on those arms. The gym was nice and quiet yesterday so I’m expecting an influx of tools to be there tonight. They better stay away…this girl is on a mission! Stay strong this week gym rats; bathing suit season is approaching!

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