Saturday, May 11, 2013

Train Insane

I wrapped-up week #1 of my new training plan this morning and I have to say, I killed it every day this week! I'm feeling stronger than ever and can't wait to see how things progress over the next few weeks. Perhaps it's all in my head as it's unlikely that I'd be noticing changes only 3 weeks post-show but I swear I've put on some mass already. I've started substituting one of my afternoon snacks (usually fruit or veggies) with an extra protein shake and upped my pre-gym creatine capsules from 1 to 2 since they don't seem to be hurting my stomach like the last time I took them and I think these minor adjustments might be giving me just the edge I needed.

Today was my back and chest workout which I started with 30 minutes on the stair-stepper. I haven't been doing much cardio these past few weeks but I ended up going out for a delicious Mexican dinner last night...which meant two unnecessary but oh-so-delicious I was feeling pretty guilty this morning and needed to clean the slate to start the weekend out right! I arrived nice and early at 7:30 so I beat the majority of the crowd and was able to get on my favourite step machine (some of them have quite temperamental headphone jacks)! Then after I managed to sweat up a storm and turn my once-straight hair into a frizzy humidified rat's nest, I busted out the following moves which took about an hour:
-Narrow grip chin-ups
-Lat pull-downs
-Incline DB flies
-Bent-over DB rows
-SB DB chest presses
-DB rear delt raises
-Cable flies
I've been getting most of my weight routines done in about an hour this week which is pretty sweet since I leave feeling like I kicked my own ass and didn't waste 90 mins+ working overly exhausted muscles like those stupid CSF routines required!

After a little stretching I left the gym around 9:30 and came home where I have had a highly productive day so far; I even got in some window trim painting that I've been procrastinating over for the past three years LOL! Painting's a bitch but it sure is a good arm workout! So far so good on the clean-eating front today as well. I made a yummy chicken breast, zucchini and yellow squash saute for lunch and plan to go out for some sushi tonight for dinner. Hopefully I can avoid the wine list this time :S

Tomorrow is supposed to be my "off" day or light-cardio day so I think I may give the rowing machine a shot if one of the only two are available when I get there. Although, I've become pretty skilled as of late at getting people to give up their machines for me so I guess I'll just pace around and glare at them if need be until I'm able to move on in and claim my territory hahahha!

Anyway, whether you are a seasoned fitness buff just looking to make a few gains or a novice trying to shed some Winter weight in time for Summer, remember two key things this weekend: 1) Diet is half the battle. You can work your ass off and still look like shit if you eat like shit (you are what you eat) and 2) TRAIN INSANE OR REMAIN THE SAME!!!!!! Happy Weekend, Gym Rats! Now, go get after it!

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