Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blogging Delays

So my home computer is in the repair shop, i.e. sitting on a techy-friend’s kitchen table awaiting the delivery of a new hard drive as 5 years appears to be the maximum life span of a Toshiba laptop and I am not in the position to go purchasing a new one right now! That, in combination with my new desk at work being in direct view of my nosey manager, is the reason for my blog posts becoming few and far between lately.

I am also in the midst of planning a major life change which I am not ready to announce on here but if all goes well there will be some great new Gym Rat Adventures in the new year! I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment and am just trying to focus on one thing at a time. Thank goodness for the ability to de-stress in the gym every day! Today is chest day which oddly enough, despite my lack of interest in building my chest muscles (I’m sorry but bulging Pecs just aren’t a part of my dream female physique), chest day is perhaps my favourite day in November’s lifting plan.  Here’s the split:

-Incline hammer press
-Flat bench press
-Flat bench flyes
-Standing dips
-Dumbbell pullover (lying flat)
-Standing calf raises
-Seated calf raises

Last week I really felt a burn from it so I can’t wait to get after it tonight! Plus there are a ton of new benches in the gym this week (in addition to some fancy-looking but functionally sub-par replacement equipment…IMO) so finding and waiting for the right one shouldn’t be an issue anymore. I’ve been listening to the Britney Spears Pandora station a lot lately. Go ahead and judge me, I can take it LOL! There’s just a ton of motivating songs on there with good beats that keep me in my super focused do-not-disturb zone! I really enjoy anything from the Christina Aguilera album “Stripped”. Anyway, just a quickie update today as I had a few minutes to spare here at my desk and felt momentarily motivated due to my 2:00 pm coffee…Green Mountain Mocha Nut Fudge flavour is really doing the trick lately!

What is your favourite day at the gym and what artists are keeping you motivated these days? Please share below with our Gym Rat fam and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @PortlandGymRat …Happy Gymming! #GymRatFam #FitFierceFun

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