Saturday, November 23, 2013

Coffee, Groceries & More

I have a serious issue with coffee consumption. But then again, if it's not hurting me or anyone else, is it really an issue? I think not. I'm sitting inside on this bright but frigid Saturday afternoon wrapped in a fleece blanket and drinking my 4th cup of the day. Today's brew is Coffee by Design (a local coffee company) in what I think was called Pumpkin Pie Spice. I LOVE Coffee by Design. It's a bit pricey but I find it's the only company that sells flavoured beans that aren't too weak.
Today is my off day and aside from working my PT job this morning, I have absolutely no obligations and I love that! After work I stopped into one of my favourite local cafes for lunch, Market Street Eats, and picked up my favourite pita wrap called the Red Rooster. Its a pita filled with freshly carved chicken breast, bacon, provelone, lettuce and a dab of spicy Thai mayo then warmed in the over for a minute so the cheese is melted. It's soooooooo good! Definitely a bit off-diet for me but I get it once a month at most so I don't feel too guilty. After lunch I did my weekly grocery shop which was a bit of a nightmare since it is the week of Thanksgiving but I survived. I pretty much buy the same foods week-to-week so I am usually in and out of there in under 20 minutes for a full week's worth of groceries. I think it takes me longer waiting in line than it does to zip around the store picking up my groceries! I often get asked what kinds of foods I eat and/or to make suggestions for what to buy by people who are trying to eat clean so this week I am sharing with you my grocery list:

2 Bananas (I only like them the one day or two when they turn from green to yellow)
1 bag of clementine's (I love buying seasonal fruit and plan to add some of the rind into my cranberry sauce that I'll be making later this week)
Veggies: Sweet potatoes, Baby carrots, Baby spinach, 1 sweet onion, asparagus, 1 red bell pepper, 1 cucumber, 1 avocado
1/2 lb salmon
1 family-size pack boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 bag coffee (I opted for Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon Spice flavour this time since it was on sale)
1 jar unsalted cashews
1 carton Blue Diamond coconut-almond milk (this stuff is sooooo good in a chocolate whey shake or added to coffee like I'm enjoying right now!)
1 carton egg whites
1 dozen eggs
1 container plain greek yogurt
1 bag frozen blueberries
1 bag frozen mixed stir-fry veggies
1 Pecan Pie flavoured Cliff Bar as a high-carb seasonal treat :)
1 lottery ticket - Hey, it's the only gambling I do. I have faith it will payoff one of these days :P

I always keep a list going in the notes section of my iPhone so that I never forget anything. Multiple trips to the grocery store throughout the week seem to always cause unnecessary spending. I mean, who goes in for 1 item and actually leaves with just that 1 item? Certainly not me. Those pesky high-carb bananas are always calling my name LOL! Some other staple items that I always have on-hand at home but did not need to purchase this week are the following:

Instant brown rice
Quick Oats
Cans of tuna
Ezekiel bread and english muffins
Stir-fry sauce, salad dressing, various spices
Lots of whey & casein protein of course!
All-natural almond or peanut butter
Quest protein bars

So as you can see I eat pretty simply. Eating clean is not rocket science; it simply requires planning and commitment :) Once home I took Mugsy for a walk down Ocean Avenue which will be my only physical activity for the day. Poor guy doesn't belong in this climate any more than I do. He's having skin issues again (likely due to the dry weather I'm guessing) despite my still sneaking the melatonin into his dinner. I think I might have to go buy him some Omega-3 oil at the vet again or else try adding a few droplets of olive or coconut oil into his food. He doesn't seem to notice or be in pain but his coat gets so flaky and patchy this time of year and he starts to look like he has a disease. Between his and my hair and skin issues I don't know what else to but move south!

Anyway, that's enough of that grossness. I am so excited for tomorrow morning as not only is it shoulder day but my favourite yoga instructor from years past has returned to World's! She now teaches a Sunday morning class at 8:00 am and it is fantastic! I did her first class last weekend after my shoulder sesh and left the gym feeling so relaxed and accomplished. Since I don't have any plans to go out in this wind-whipping bitter tundra tonight I'll probably be up at the crack-of-dawn and hit my shoulders again pre-yoga...and maybe a tan if I have time :) I do love to get all of my training out of the way before most people are even awake! This coming week in general should be a nice relaxing week for a change because my boss is out of the office and my work group is done doing fiscal year-end system reviews which have made the past 3 weeks an exceptional living nightmare for me. Thursday is of course Thanksgiving and I always look forward to a plate full of turkey and cranberry sauce! I saw a sign for a special Thanksgiving morning spin class at 8:30 so I may just have to hit that up in addition to my bi's and tri's sesh that day to make sure I am in a sufficient calorie surplus to splurge on dessert hehe :) In general I don't find Thanksgiving to be a total diet killer because I'm not a fan of most of the casserole-esque dishes on my family's dinner table so I pretty much stick to my turkey overload. Not gonna cry over extra protein! I do have a mad pumpkin pie craving right now but I think I'm the only one in my family who likes it and I don't want to make a whole pie and then have to eat the whole thing on my own! Anyway, I'll cut it short here since I'm starting to just ramble on off-topic. Maybe with the office quiet this week I'll have time to do a pre-turkey day post. If not, I hope all of you Gym Rats have a fantastic Turkey Day filled with lots of delicious food, family & friends! 'Til next time, happy gymming! xo

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