Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bullseyes & Lobsters

Buongiorno gym rats! I’m seriously dying to go to Italy this year. I don’t know if it’s the intense homemade pasta craving I’m having right now or just my growing need for another European getaway but it needs to happen soon! Urgh why is it so hard to find a suitable travel buddy willing to drop a little dough on a once-in-a-lifetime experience?

Anyway, another week has gone by here in the lovely state of Maine. Apparently summer arrives in 4 days but I’ve yet to see much in the way of hot temps and sunshine for more than a couple days at a time so far this year. De-pressing! This past weekend was nice enough but not quite the weather we Mainers suffer through 8 frigid months of the year for.

I pushed through 7 days-in-a-row of lifting (talk about exhausted muscles!) so that I could have Saturday as my rest-day this past week. Instead of hitting the gym I spent the day at a local range taking a bullseye shooting course. As usual with these types of courses it was mostly men (sadly no attractive or age-appropriate ones) so I was definitely the oddball participant. It was however a great experience and nice change from my usual defensive shooting technique. Defensive is two-handed while bullseye is one-handed and being considerably more difficult, it is used for competition. I definitely was not as accurate as I expected to be but most of my shots at least hit the target and at 25 yards I guess that’s not so bad. Bottom line, if I can hit a small target one-handed at 25 yards then I can certainly hit an attacker if need be!  

Sunday I returned to the gym for what ended up being a really great workout. I started with another 15 minutes of warm-up StairMaster torture, followed by a good hour of biceps and then probably another ½ hour of core training. I love leaving the gym feeling totally spent! I debated going to the beach for the day but instead jumped at the opportunity to join the family for a Father’s Day lunch down in Kennebunkport. We went to this restaurant called Stripers where I ordered a fantastic lobster roll with a side salad. I’m not typically a lobster roll fan since I detest mayo and white bread but this one was just lightly tossed in a lemon aioli dressing so it wasn’t so rich. Un-planned cheat meal for sure but definitely worth it!

The rest of the afternoon was spent sunning on my patio reading my latest book, The Fault in Our Stars. I can tell its going to be a quick read so hopefully I can finish it and then go see the movie while it’s still in theatres! Nothing else really exciting is on my agenda this week. I got lazy and did not create a new workout plan so it looks like another 3 weeks on the P/RR/S program for me. Oh well, I do feel strong so I guess it must be working despite all of my modifications. Anyone have any fun plans this week? New workouts programs in process? New diets being tried? Ciao!

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