Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Deceivingly Out-of-Shape

Good Morning gym rats! Another early beautiful morning here in Portland but it’s supposed to turn to rain showers shortly and last through the new few days. Joy. I have this urge head south right now for a much needed vacation, I just haven’t decided where yet. Charleston, Miami, NOLA, hmmmm.  So much so that I found myself filling my coffee cup with Southern Pecan roast this morning LOL (it’s quite delish BTW). I’ve barely used up any PTO days so far this year so I really need to just stop being so cheap, pick a place and go explore!

Injury update: Nada so far. I thought I’d be getting that MRI last Thursday but apparently they don’t have the machine in the office so now I’m waiting for another appointment to be scheduled. The doc doesn’t think I have the tiny bone fractures that I think I have but I’m starting with the MRI in order to rule that out as it’s the least invasive diagnosis. He thinks its something called MTSS but after reading an article a trainer friend posted a few days ago I am skeptical. More details on the invasive diagnosis he is recommending if it comes to that. In the meantime, check out this interesting article: http://www.stack.com/2014/06/04/do-i-have-shin-splints/

A glorious amount of time was spent outside this past weekend and I am sporting a sweet bronze at the moment! I went to the beach on Saturday and read a good chunk of the third and last of the Gillian Flynn books, Dark Places. It’s been slower to get into than the other two but I can tell it’s going to start to get really suspenseful soon. Sunday was the gem of the weekend and I was tempted to do another long beach day but the Old Port Festival was going on and Los Lonely Boys were playing at 2:30. I ended up meeting up with a friend to go watch them and thank goodness I did because they were AMAZING. Actually, amazing doesn’t really do them justice but regardless I would pay to see them again. True rock talent right there. Parts of their show reminded me of Hendrix and Santana, they were really that good! Afterward we hit up the beach again for some late day rays and that wrapped-up my weekend. Other than training of course.

I kept with the same routine of back on Saturday morning and Biceps on Sunday. However, given that 5 weeks sans cardio has actually eliminated a lot of my shin pain I decided to give the stair master another shot as a warm-up on Sunday. It definitely hurt but I kept it to 15 minutes so it wasn’t too bad. The most embarrassing thing however was that I have ZERO cardiovascular endurance right now. I was huffing and puffing after about two minutes. Goes to show that even when you are not trying to lean-out, SOME cardio is still so important for your overall heath. I might try to include a quick 10-15 minute warm-up 2x per week going forward so long as the pain doesn’t get too unbearable. Its funny how you can look “in shape” but really be so gosh darn “out of shape”! J

Anyway, today is shoulders so I’m obviously looking very forward to that. Now it’s off to work for the day. Hopefully it goes by fast! Happy Tuesday all! xo

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