Sunday, May 17, 2015

What I'm Eating Lately

Good Morning everyone! It's a rainy Sunday morning here in Miami but it will probably be dry and sunny before I finish this post since that's how it seems to go here. This morning I woke up at 4:00 AM absolutely ravenous and tried to stay in bed until my alarm at 6:00 but there's just no sleeping when I'm hungry so I tossed and turned for an hour until deciding to start my day at 5:00. I'm working today with a short shift from 10-4 so I got in my morning lift of chest and triceps extra early before anyone showed up. Gotta love empty gyms!

I thought today I'd do a post on what I've been eating lately since this is always something people want to know and I've been making some extra yummy meals now that I'm working toward increasing my calories. My current goal is 1,900 calories per day and macros of around 40% carbs, 35% protein, and 25% fats. This is pretty doable and doesn't require a lot of thought. In fact, I'm so used to a lower calorie cutting diet that sometimes I actually struggle to hit the 1,900 mark! This makes for some yummy protein pancakes, pudding, and mug cakes before bedtime :P

Meal #1 today was overnight oats which I prepared before bed last night and heated up this morning. Today's concoction was zucchini-strawberry-almond "proats" (protein oatmeal!) which consisted of 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries, 1/2 cup egg whites, cinnamon, 1 tbsp ground flax, 8 almonds, 1 packet stevia, and 1/4 cup shredded zucchini. Delicious!

Then it was off to the gym where I sipped on my usual mix of BCAAs and pre-workout for extra help with muscle recovery and energy. Post-gym I'm always starved and usually re-fuel with a Quest bar and protein shake. On days like today when I work, I make my protein shake with iced coffee. Can you tell I'm a caffeine fiend?!

After Mugsy got his morning walk and I got showered & dressed I prepped my food to bring with me for work. Lately I've been obsessed with beat hummus and have been making this superb spinach wrap filled with spinach, cukes, beet hummus, chicken breast and hard boiled egg. Sometimes the fillers change but its always satisfying! I also packed some fresh cherries to eat mid-afternoon and carry me through until I get home and can make an early dinner.

Yesterday I was reading one of my favorite blogs,, and blogger Jen recommended adding a piece of paper towel to your bag of greens which will help absorb the moisture and keep them from wilting. I can't believe I never thought of that! I made sure to do it this morning; I'm always struggling to finish my greens before they go bad.

I won't make dinner until I return home because I prefer to have a nice hot, freshly cooked meal whenever possible, but I did set aside all the ingredients I'll need to make for a quick prep. Tonight I'm having baked salmon with sweet potato, corn-on-the-cob, and asparagus sauteed in olive oil. This is a staple meal of mine. It never gets old!

All of these meals together only total 1,551 calories so I'll probably satisfy my bedtime sweet tooth with a casein mug cake topped with nut butter. I want to point out the vast quantity of food that you can eat while still maintaining a healthy nutritious diet, without taking in too many calories. You don't have to deprive yourself and eat boring chicken and veggies all day long which seems to be a common misconception and what often keeps people from attempting to clean up their food intake. Of course I could easily hit my 1,900 calories by running to Five Guys or some other popular food joint but I much prefer to eat food that is filling, delicious, and won't make me feel crappy for the rest of the day! Plus, I always say I "eat to perform" and I've been hitting some major PRs in the weight room with my increased caloric intake!

That's all for today. Guess's sunny out now! Hope you all have a wonderful end to your weekend. Comment below or e-mail me at if you have any questions about eating to perform for your goals or if you are interested in getting started on your own custom fitness plan! xo

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