Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nobody's Fool

Well, its the first day of April and I needed to get the new month off to a good start after a rocky March. My arms and back were still recovering from a couple days of solid bis/tris/shoulders workouts so I decided to lay off the weights and make today a run day. World's was nice and empty this morning, a stark contrast to yesterday morning's overcrowded-ness. Donning my favourite new neon Nike Pro gear, I hopped on a treadmill and decided to bust out a 5k. Well, my body wasn't really in the mood for it after battling a little cold this weekend so I have to admit that I did walk a good 1/2 - 3/4 miles of it here and there but I finished so I guess that's what counts! My usual favourite hard rock workout Pandora channel was irritating me because they seem to only have like 10 songs they play over and over again so I had to switch back to the rap/hip hop workout mix halfway through to keep me motivated. Nothing a little early morning Ke$ha couldn't fix though!

After my run I did a lot of standing stretches on the bosu ball and then did 3 sets of 12 cable rope crunches and  3 sets of 20 bench leg pull-ins for abs. The cable crunches are when you sit on the bench where you would normally do lat pull-downs but instead face away from the center of the machine. Attach a rope to the pulleys, set your weight, grab the rope above your head, and crunch down toward the ground. The leg pull-ins are simply leg pull-ins while balancing your behind on a flat bench and holding your arms to your chest.

That was it for today's gym sesh. After lunch I took my puppy for a good hour long walk and now my legs are seriously stiff. Where's my at-home masseuse when I need him?! haha I think it's time for a little afternoon snooze before a dinner out. Here's hoping I can survive the night without any April Fool's jokes coming my way...

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