Thursday, April 19, 2012

She's Got Legs

...She knows how to use them! In case you didn't figure it out, today's workout was all about legs. I can't explain why I have ZZ Top stuck in my head though. My workouts this week have been all over the place. Yesterday was supposed to be a 5k run day but my left knee was seriously hurting after only 4/10 of a mile so I pushed myself through one mile and called it quits, spending the rest of my workout doing solely abs since I hadn't planned to do any weights at all. Since my knee is still hurting today (I have no idea why!) I decided to start today's workout with a nice light 15 minute cardio warm-up on the elliptical. I've been cutting way back (or eliminating completely) my cardio at the gym lately as its been so nice and I'd much rather be outside getting a tan while working out so it was nice to switch things up again. Plus its back to being frigid here so I can't get myself to stay outside long in this weather. Yes, anything under 70 degrees F is frigid in my book haha.

For my leg routine I did four different moves, all of which I haven't done in at least a week so I hope I'll be feeling a burn tomorrow! I started with standing calf raises, where I did 3 sets of 12 at a 75 lb resistance. I was reading an article yesterday about how much better for you free weights are than using machines which I totally agree with in most cases but for some reason free weight calf raises just don't feel the same to me so I'm sticking with the machine on that one. Next I did walking lunges with medicine ball twists. I have no idea how many I did so I'll just say a lot because I went from one end of the gym to the other and back again, twisting to the outside of my forward leg for the first half and twisting to the inside of my forward leg for the second half. I usually do these with the 10 lb medicine ball but all I could find were the 8 and 14 lb balls so I chose the 14 and boy did I feel it! You wouldn't think that small amount of weight would make much of a difference but my forearms were killing me by the end of it and I broke quite a sweat! I thought that lunges might aggravate my knee but they seemed fine so whatever is wrong with it must be triggered by running. Next I did 3 sets of 8 (each leg) standing glute press. This is another machine move but I don't know of a similar move to do without a machine and I was limited on my glute workout choices due to my super short shorts haha. Finally, I finished up with leg presses (3 sets of 8), alternating my sets with narrow legs, wide legs, and v-presses.

I figured it was fine to skip abs today since yesterday was all about abs. I did some basic leg stretching and then I was out the door. Tomorrow is Friday so I'd like to get in a good end-of-week workout. I'm thinking I may do shoulders but I guess I'll have to wait and see what my energy level is by then!

So last I wrote I was stressing about my pre-photo shoot physique. Well, I have to say I really had nothing to worry about. The shoot went really well and was a lot of fun. Thank god I did not workout before hand though because I was holding the poses for so long to ensure that the photographer could get a picture of each movement that my body was immensely sore the next day! I saw some of the raw video and pics and they looked really good so I'm sure they'll look great after some editing! My next shoot is this coming Sunday so I'm trying to be really good with my diet and exercise routine over the next few days to prepare again. It may not make a huge (or any) difference physique-wise but it sure makes a huge difference in my mental preparedness! I'd like to get in a good solid run on Saturday but I'm thinking I should lay off the knee until after the shoot because I was told there would be A LOT of jumping for this next round of moves. This session could be interesting...


  1. Try soaking your legs in cold water up past your knees (regularly - like multiple times a week or even more if you have the patience and tolerance). Also try massaging around your knee, both proximally (above the knee) and distally) below the knee to promote blood flow and manipulate tendons, muscles, etc.

    Some additional options on hip extension exercises:

    1) Step Ups: You can step up to an elevated platform and step back down or you can step up and step down in the front (so forward/backward or forward/forward/backward/backward). You can do this with a "bounce" step so you never really stop or land flat step down and step right back up...

    2) Isometric split squat Holds: Lunge position and hold for a selected time interval...challenge energy system by doing 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond...

    3) Split Squat Hops: Same lunge position but instead of holding the position you eccentrically lower your hips and "pop" back up (concentrically) then lower and pop, etc....never really stopping...simply bounce up and down

    4) Squat Hops/Bounce: Same as split squat but instead of split squat (lunge position) you would maintain a regular squatting position with both legs under your hips (parallel)...bounce in the same manner repeatedly

    I'm sure people won't mind if you have your super short shorts. You'll be fine.

  2. hah thanks for the advice! I have no patience at all btw but I have been massaging the knee cap and doing lots of stretches. Hopefully it'll just improve on its own if I can manage to not run for a few days!
