Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Panic Attack

I had the most intense, exhausting, absolutely amazing workout at World's tonight. At noon today I got a call from the app creator asking if I could move my shoot up to this coming Saturday because the original model he booked had an emergency come up and had to reschedule. Well, inside I was having a panic attack at the thought of not having the two weeks that I thought I still had to get in tip-top shape, however I'm not one to disappoint. Especially when its someone who's paying me to do something I would do for free any day. So, I agreed and as I hung up the phone my mind began racing with thoughts like "How the hell and I going to pull off my best shape ever in three days? I sure hope they plan to use Photoshop! I really shouldn't have indulged in so much cake at Easter dinner this weekend...or drank all that wine last night! Is it too late to start using steroids?" haha. Well, I guess all I can really do in three days is eat as clean as possible and workout to my max (and then some!) so that's what I plan to do. Day #1 was no exception!

Started today's workout with a run....and busted out my second 5k non-stop run in just under 32 minutes! I wanted to quit so bad after 2 miles and then again at 2.5 but I someone mustered up the power to finish. I just kept telling myself "If you don't do it, its going to sound really lame when you have to admit it in your blog entry tonight!" haha. I was soaked to the core and completely bright red head-to-toe when I finished but I was on a roll so it felt great. After my run I embarked on a mini legs sesh and then abs.

For legs today I started with 3 sets of 8 standing glute press. I figure that like most women my most problematic area is the bum/thigh area so I better focus on that this week just in case they aren't planning on doing any photo touch-ups! Next, I got a bosu ball and did a series of balancing leg stretches, followed up with three sets of balancing one-leg weighted dead lifts. My left knee felt like it was going numb half way through but its fine now so I figure that was just a sign that I was really hitting my max today!

For abs I started with three sets of 12 stability ball weighted leg lifts and then finished up with three sets of hanging leg lifts (12-10-8). I could barely finish my last set I was so exhausted. After that I booked it out of there in need of a serious shower and fuel! I'm thinking tomorrow will be an amped-up bis/tris/abs session and is probably going to require pounding a Celcius beforehand so I can go up a weight set in all my moves. Bring it on, Saturday!


  1. How about an energy system development work out (i.e. focusing on anaerobic capacity). Set it up so you have work intervals of 45 second to 1:00 (various exercises targeting different areas and/or physiological capacities) and follow it with bouts of running for another 30-45 seconds...with rest intervals of only 2-3 a bunch in a row so you are working for a total of 30+ minutes...It's the really the best for getting cut up, lean and jacked...and also for improving your performance...not just appearance...I don't know if 3 days is enough time but a month will make a difference...

  2. Hmm I could definitely try this. You're right that I need way more than 3 days though!1:00 doesn't sound like enough time to complete one exercise though. Are you talking about going from doing some sort of weight exercise for one minute, run for 30 seconds, rest for 2 minutes? That sounds like a lot of resting and not enough working. Please give me more details...I am always interested in something new! Thanks for the comment :)

  3. I think you have the idea; you can make it "easy" or very challenging...

    I'll write up a sample workout:

    10 exercises for 60 seconds each, followed by 200m strides with 1:30-3:00 rest between the stride and the start of the next 60 second bout of exercise. It will probably last for somewhere around 37-40 minutes total...but it is continuous work for nearly 2 minutes at a time, coupled with a rest for about gets hard! haha The key (or the benefit) is the anaerobic energy system...this kicks in after the phosphocreatine energy system is tapped out (which lasts up through 10 seconds) and is the primary source for activity that lasts 1-2 minutes in duration. The anaerobic energy system also uses carbohydrates as its primary fuel substrate so it can burn "mad" calories as energy. When we don't burn these calories or engage this energy system...we all "bulk" up haha...and the men typically put it on the front and the women on the back...God's will I guess...haha

    Anyway, the workout:

    Everything is simply a plyometric type activity, a sprint drill or a body manipulation. You do not need weight or resistance...just you...and a watch...and a place to run...

    1) Jumping Jacks (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    2) High Knee Drives (30 seconds each leg) + 200m stride
    3) Isometric Pushup Hold + Lateral Leg Swings (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    4) High Knee: Hip Flexion + Hip Abduction (30 seconds each leg) + 200m stride
    5) Burpees/Squat Thrusts (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    6) Leg Extensions (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    7) High Knee with Butt Kick: Hip Flexion and Knee Flexion (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    8) Squat Bounces (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    9) Swivel Hips (60 seconds) + 200m stride
    10) Turn around Sprints (60 seconds) + 200m stride

    You can do it in the gym (you will probably have to go immediately to and from a treadmill) but it is ideal for a nice big grass field, open space or track.

    This is intense, but it makes appearance and performance...the key is to always cycle through your stimuli and manipulate all variables and energy systems! Good to do for 4 weeks (once a week) and then on to something new!

    If you want some more description on what "swivel hips" means, "isometric pushup hold with lateral leg swings" or "turn around sprints" for instance, I can elaborate.

    Keep working hard!

  4. Thanks so much! This sounds intense and fun. I'll have to find someone to do it outside with when the weather is a bit nicer!
