Sunday, January 22, 2012

Record Breaker

It's official, I finally hit the 30 minute mark in running! I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed this morning because I was overcome with an unusual amount of motivation for a Sunday haha. After taking my pup for a nice winter morning walk, I hit up World's later than usual at around 10am. It was surprisingly quiet for that time of day on a weekend. I don't want to jinx it but maybe/hopefully the resolutioners are finally giving up? Anyway, I grabbed one of my favourite front-row treadmills, put on my favourite Pandora play list, and booked it! I allowed myself to stop after 15 minutes to take a 3-minute walking break so I could gulp down about a gallon of water but then got right back to it and finished out my last 15. I think the water break could be avoided if I purchased a water bottle with a straw-like opening so I wouldn't spill all over myself when trying to run and drink at the same time but hey, major progress here! 

After my run, I stretched out my legs a bit on the mats and then embarked on a great ab routine. I decided not to do weights today because the run was a major energy buster and my muscles are a knotted-up mess right now. Luckily, I have a 90 minute massage booked this afternoon that I can't wait to get to! For abs I started with something new I was shown how to do the other day. I don't know what I'd call it other than a variation of  a crunch but basically you sit down at the lat pull-down machine and put your legs on top of the cylindrical  cushions that usually go above your knees. Then, wrap your toes under the bar in front of the cushions and crunch backwards to the sides. It's kind of like incline crunches only you have no bench for support. I am really liking this new move! I did three sets of 8 of these and then moved on to 3 sets of 8 tee pees, kneeling on the ball in between sets. Lastly, I did 6 sets of "60 second" planks, 2 front, 2 right side, and 2 left side. 

That was it for today. I'm sure I'll be back on the weights tomorrow and maybe even try to check out one of the new spinning classes World's is now offering this week. I wasn't a fan of spinning the last time I tried it but that was 5 years ago so I should give it another shot. Plus, I could use some continual change in my workout routine. Anyway, one thing at a time. So happy to finally break my record! 

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